Coyote logo by Coyote  

America's First Buddhist Rock Band™


American Zen's 5th LEVEL of ZEN

Almost here. Coyote's got two more albums to release in LEVEL 4 -- then he'll be here.

LEVEL 1 told the story of Coyote's move to Utah where he was ostracized for being a long haired, rock'n'roll Buddhist, Catholic, from California.

LEVEL 2 displayed Coyote's evolution into his musical world of tambourines and flutes. The Mormons were still chasing him. However, rather than reacting to his persecutors, he sings songs that show his spiritual enlightenment of seeing through his opponent's eyes.

LEVEL 3 was recorded after Coyote returned from Utah. This album commemorates getting back to California, searching for love, finding love, losing love, and just being lusty. The spiritual evolution here is Coyote's enlarged love beyond his family and appreciation of all world religions. Richard Del Connor, The Hippy Coyote is also, Buddha Zhen, who decides he is more than the founder and Patriarch of his Zen Buddhist religion,, and creates his spiritual title of, BUDDHIST SCIENTIST.

LEVEL 4 was recorded in two locations: Crescenta Valley Park "CV Park," and Coyote's Montrose apartment with such thin walls you can hear the neighbors snoring at night. With only a few hours during the day, and only a few days a week, Coyote had difficulty squeezing in recording sessions for the vocals, guitars, percussion, and flutes. CV Park was used to record all the drum tracks on the LEVEL 4 Part 1 and Part 2 albums.


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End of The Line album cover
End of the Line
American Zen

11 songs to kick your ass
or donkey, or horse...

From the Kung Fu Cowboy.
Recorded in his truck.


Kung Fu Cowboy PART 1
LEVEL 4 = Kung Fu Cowboy
King Solomon's Temple

by American Zen


cd cover of American Zen's FIrst Album
American Zen's debut album:
LEVEL 1 = Peace Of Mind
A hippie in Utah


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